This section includes information regarding the general conditions of access and use of the website of Aceites Málaga S.L. that must be known by the user, for the purposes provided in Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
Data of the owner:
Holder: Aceites Málaga S.L.
CIF: B29214392
Registered Address: C/ Herman Hesse, Nº 7. Ind. Guadalhorce. 29004 Malaga
Telephone: 952 341 780
Registry data: Registered in the mercantile registry of Malaga. Volume 1461,Book
374,Folio 214,Sheet MA-14200,Inscription 2ª.
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the Users and implies that they are aware of and accept the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
The User is solely responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, initiated by third parties, based on the use by the User of the Service.
If the user does not agree with the content of these general browsing conditions, he/she must leave the website and may not access it or use the services it offers.
The user guarantees the veracity and authenticity of the information communicated for the request of appointments or communication of suggestions/complaints/complaints/contact /request of services and is also obliged to keep this information updated.
Aceites Málaga S.L. may modify, at any time it deems appropriate, the configuration of this website, the conditions of service and its content, as well as eliminate, limit or suspend them temporarily or permanently, or prevent access to it, and endeavor to inform the user of this change, whenever circumstances permit, by means of a publication on the website.
The User agrees to use the website and the Services in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, the Particular Conditions of some Services and with morality, generally accepted good customs and public order. The User will abstain from using any of the Services for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in the present Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that in
in any way damage, disable, overburden, impair or impede the normal use of the Services, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer (hacking) of Aceites Málaga S.L., other Users or any Internet User (hardware and software). By way of example and not exhaustive, the User agrees not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material that:
1.Is contrary to or infringes upon fundamental rights and public liberties recognized in the Constitution or in other legislation.
2.Is contrary to the right to honor, to personal and family privacy or to one's own image.
3.Constitutes illicit, misleading or unfair advertising or in any way constitutes unfair competition.
4.Incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal operation of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of Aceites Málaga S.L. or third parties or that may damage electronic documents and files stored on such computer equipment.
5.Cause difficulties in the normal operation of the service.
6.Incite, induce or promote criminal, denigratory, defamatory, violent or contrary to law, morals, good customs or public order.
7.Incites, induces or promotes discriminatory actions or attitudes based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.
8.Makes available, incorporates or allows access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, offensive or contrary to the law, morality, good customs or public order.
9.Is protected by intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use that he/she makes or intends to make.
10.Violates the business rights of third parties.
The services offered on the Web Site are associated with the final sale price, as well as, where appropriate, any discounts to be applied.
The sale price is always shown in euros and includes VAT, as well as any other tax that may be applicable, being those in force and legally applicable at that time.
In the event that Aceites Málaga S.L. identifies a manifest error in the price, it will immediately inform the Customer, as well as carry out the corresponding publication of the rectification of the same through the Website and in the usual means of communication, with the Customer having the option to reconfirm, through the section "My Purchase", your purchase at the correct price or, failing that, cancel it.
Aceites Málaga S.L. expressly reserves the right to modify prices at any time, without prior notice. However, in any case, the rates in force indicated on the Website at the time of making the corresponding payment shall apply.
To proceed with the payment, the Customer must follow each and every one of the instructions shown in the section PAYMENT METHOD.
All means of payment provided by Aceites Málaga S.L. are subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing entities of the means of payment (card issuers and / or issuers of payment accounts), but if such entity does not authorize the payment, you can not continue with the purchase procedure initiated, being automatically canceled the sale, and understood not made the sale of the requested service.
The charge of the price of the service, as well as any applicable taxes, will only be made at the moment of formalizing the purchase.
To carry out the electronic payment, Aceites Málaga S.L. has installed a payment gateway of electronic commerce provided by banks authorized for it. All data provided to Aceites Málaga S.L. for this purpose, are duly encrypted to ensure maximum security and confidentiality of the same, being hosted on a secure server certified according to the protocol "Secure Socket Layer" (SSL).
In no case will be stored by "the company", card data provided by customers through the payment gateway, and will only be retained while the purchase is made, the payment is made and until after the withdrawal period, in order to be able to return the corresponding economic amounts.
Similarly, the user can pay quickly and securely with your PayPal account, without sharing financial information with Aceites Málaga S.L. If you select this method of payment, the Customer will be redirected to the secure PayPal page, where you must enter your credentials and accept payment. Once the payment is confirmed, the Customer will be returned to the confirmation page of Aceites Málaga S.L. where you can confirm the status of the purchase.
The User has the recognized right of withdrawal of the purchase made through the Website, and therefore, if not satisfied, may return the Product within a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days after acquiring possession of the product or from the formalization of the contract in the case of contracting services.
The right of withdrawal may be exercised through the following channels:
Via postal mail to the address C/ Herman Hesse, Nº 7, Pol. Ind. Guadalhorce - 29004 - Málaga.
The refund will include the amount of the purchase. The refund will be made in the same means of payment with which the Product was purchased.
The refund of the amount corresponding to the withdrawal will be made within 14 calendar days from the date on which it has been effectively and unequivocally communicated the decision to withdraw from the contract.
Any other good or service covered by art. 103 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16.
When the Product or Products purchased present a lack of conformity because they do not correspond to the characteristics offered, present defects that prevent their normal use in accordance with their nature, or do not offer the benefits described for the same, the Client will have the right to the sanitation of the acquired good in a period of 14 days from the purchase and in the conditions and with the means of proof regulated in the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of the Consumers and Users, without prejudice to the faculties of the Point of Sale to verify the veracity of the defects, its origin and the moment of its appearance.
Likewise, the Client has the right to the sanitation of the good following the rules of article 118 and following of the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users. In any case the rules on warranty on sale of consumer goods established by applicable law shall apply. If the product is defective Aceites Málaga, S.L. will be responsible whenever possible to make the replacement of the product, at no cost to the Customer. In the event that for reasons of availability the replacement of the product could not be made, the full refund of the purchase will be made.
Aceites Málaga, S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Service, nor its usefulness for the performance of any particular activity, nor its infallibility and quality.
Aceites Málaga, S.L. excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of availability, continuity or quality of service operation.
Aceites Málaga, S.L. excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the Users.
Aceites Málaga, S.L. excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be caused by Users in the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents and, in particular, but not exclusively, for damages that may be due to:
- Failure to comply with the law, morality or generally accepted good customs or public order as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
- The infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and personal image, property rights and any other rights belonging to a third party as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
- The performance of acts of unfair competition and illicit advertising as a consequence of the transmission, diffusion, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
- Lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the contents.
- The impersonation of a third party by a User in any kind of communication made through the service.
- The non-fulfillment, delay in the fulfillment, defective fulfillment or termination for any cause of the obligations contracted by third parties and contracts made with third parties through or due to the access to the contents.
- The vices and defects of any kind of content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available or otherwise transmitted or made available, received, obtained or accessed through the services.
All the elements that make up the graphic design of the website, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, and, in general, all the contents and information to which the User can access through the web pages of Aceites Málaga, S.L. are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights, patents, trademarks or copyright of Aceites Málaga, S.L. or third party owners of the same. It is expressly prohibited for the User the alteration, modification, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication or any other right that corresponds to the owner of the affected right.
This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its ends by Spanish law.
The parties expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Malaga, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to settle any dispute arising from access and use of this website, its contents and / or services, as well as the interpretation and enforcement of these general conditions and any other text of a contractual nature contained in this website.