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As a general rule, packages are shipped within 48 hours (working days) after receipt of payment, by means of a transport company. If there is any delay, it may be due to a breakage of stock and may take a few more days. If you want to be quiet do not hesitate to advise us to mail

Shipping costs include handling and packaging costs, as well as postal charges. Handling charges have a fixed price, while transport costs may vary depending on the total weight of the package, the minimum cost will be 7.35€ in the peninsula for orders outside the peninsula make the consultation in the contact area.

For orders to the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla contact

We advise you to group all your items in the same order. We cannot combine two different orders, and shipping costs will be applied for each one individually.

We are not responsible for any damage to your package after shipping, but we do our best to protect all fragile items.

The boxes are large and your items will be well protected.